Rockstart AgriFood
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Calling all founders! Applications for Rockstart AgriFood 2024 are officially open, and they are searching for purpose-driven startups ready to revolutionize the food supply system.

Rockstart AgriFood fund and empower purpose-driven founders scaling impactful solutions by leveraging emerging technologies and new business models that improve food supply system from soil to gut. With the success of their first fund in 2019 and the subsequent launch of AgriFood Fund II in 2023, Rockstart is thrilled to double down on their commitment to empowering entrepreneurs toward meaningful impact.

Rockstart AgriFood Interest

Rockstart AgriFood is seeking for startups within the AgriFood or AgriTech sector that focused on:

  • Solutions that restore soils and oceans to become powerhouses for CO2 capture.
  • Innovations that create value from wasted food and reduce food loss.
  • Solutions and tools that provide consumers with better access to nutritious food that tastes good and does good

Rockstart AgriFood Benefits

  • Selected startups not only get crucial early-stage investment but also access to intensive accelerator program, held twice a year. This program is tailored to provide you with the resources and guidance you need to grow, including specialized sessions on ESG data collection and reporting.
  • Beyond financial support, you’ll become part of Rockstart close-knit community. You’ll connect with industry experts, corporate partners, and fellow startups, forging valuable relationships that can help propel your business forward.
  • Even after the program ends, Rockstart will still be here, providing ongoing assistance and access to resources to ensure your long-term success.

Application Timeline

Deadline for application is on 1st April 2024

How to Apply

Click here to Apply

Also for more details click here to visit their website

Elevate Your Business With Our Expert Services!

We got the perfect solutions tailored just for you:
✍️ Business Plan/Proposal Writing Service: Every successful business needs a solid business plan, and a business plan can be a fundraising tool. We can help you craft compelling business plans and proposals tailored to your unique vision and secure funding, turning your business dreams into reality.
📊 Feasibility Studies: Your business idea is not enough; you need to test its viability by conducting in-depth feasibility studies. We can help you conduct feasibility studies and analyze market trends, risks, and opportunities, providing you with the insights needed to make informed decisions and maximize success.
🌾 Farm Consultation and Setup Service: Whether you’re starting from scratch or need to optimize your existing farm, we are here to guide you. We offer comprehensive farm consultation services, guiding you from planning to setup. Grow your dreams with us!
💡 Grant Writing & Project Management: Secure funding and oversee seamless project execution with our dedicated team. From grant applications to project implementation, we got you covered.
💼 Website Development Service: In the digital age, having a professional online presence is essential. Let us build you a stunning website that showcases your products, services, and expertise. Reach a broader audience and grow your business online!
👉 We have the experience and proven track record. Contact us today to take your business to new heights!
📞 Call us @ 08034969689 or WhatAspp link
📧 Email us @ [email protected]
Rockstart AgriFood

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Tags : Rockstart AgriFood
    Johnpaul Mbanefo

    The author Johnpaul Mbanefo

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    Mr. Johnpaul Mbanefo is a dynamic professional specializing in project management, business analysis, business plan and proposal writing, agribusiness consulting, grant writing, and pitch deck expertise, driving success through strategic planning and effective communication.

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