Agribusiness Tips

Agribusiness Tips

How to Secure Funding for Your Agribusiness Venture


Funding is essential  for any agribusiness venture to grow and succeed. Starting an agribusiness venture requires not only a strong vision and passion for agriculture, but also the necessary funds to bring your ideas to life. Securing funding for your agribusiness venture may seem like a daunting task, but with the right knowledge and strategies, it can be achievable. In this article, we will explore various strategies to help you secure the funds you need to ensure the success of your agribusiness venture. (more…)

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Agribusiness Tips

Side Income Agribusinesses You Can Do With Low Cost

side income

Due to the increased cost of living, particularly in urban areas, relying solely on a single source of income can be risky. Side income helps individuals and families cope with rising living costs. With the rising demand for locally sourced and sustainable agricultural products, setting up side income agribusinesses will be a great opportunity. In this article, we will explore ten agribusiness ideas that you can pursue with low costs and potentially earn a lucrative side income. Whether you have a backyard or just a few pots on your balcony, these opportunities will allow you to tap into the growing market while enjoying the satisfaction of working with nature. (more…)

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Agribusiness Tips

Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potatoes (OFSPs): How This Super food Can Help Improve Your Health.

Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potatoes

What are Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potatoes & How do they Provide Comprehensive Health Benefits?

Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potatoes (OFSPs) are becoming increasingly popular for their great nutritional properties and health benefits. OFSPs are orange colored sweet potatoes that are packed with health promoting nutrients like beta-carotenes, vitamins A and C, and dietary fiber.

They are rich in phytonutrients such as anthocyanins, polyphenols, carotenoids, and flavonoids which provide comprehensive health benefits. Regular consumption of cooked sweet potatoes can help reduce the risk of certain diseases including cancer, diabetes, obesity etc (more…)

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Agribusiness Tips

Agricultural Drones The Future of Farming: How it Can Help

Agricultural drones

Agriculture has come a long way since the days of manual labor and horse-drawn plows. Nowadays, farmers are using cutting-edge technology to maximize their yields, and one of the most exciting innovations is agricultural drones. From soil and water analysis to crop protection and monitoring, drones can provide a range of services that help farmers maximize their output and reduce their labor costs.

In these articles we are going show different ways you can use agricultural drones in your farm. (more…)

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Agribusiness Tips


Backyard farming

Most families are going through difficult circumstances right now, especially since the economy of the nation continues to deteriorate. Despite how difficult things may appear, investing in backyard farming is one of the best ways for families to reduce their cost of livelihood.

In Nigeria, backyard farming is becoming more and more common because it is a cheap way to produce food and gives many households a source of food security. The government is also promoting backyard farming as a way to lessen the nation’s food insecurity.


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Agribusiness Tips

Palm oil Storage Business an Investment Opportunity in Nigeria

Palm oil Storage Business

Are you looking for businesses to invest your money in this year? One business opportunity you can consider investing in is palm oil storage business. In this article, I am going to teach you everything you need to know concerning the palm oil storage business.

What is palm oil storage business?

Palm oil storage business involves buying and storing of palm oil in large quantities during peak or season of palm oil and then selling off when the supply of palm oil has decreased. Traders bring out their goods during this time, sell it, and make a respectable profit. (more…)

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Agribusiness Tips


Smart farming

Smart farming is currently one of the techniques to increase agricultural production in Nigeria.

An emerging idea known as “smart farming practices” refers to managing farms utilizing Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, drones, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve product quality and quantity while minimizing the need for human labor. With remote sensing, it decreases waste, boosts productivity, and enables management of more resources.


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Agribusiness Tips

Seven Lucrative Agricultural Business You Can Do in 2023

lucrative agricultural business

Agricultural businesses is one of the most lucrative business sectors of the Nigerian economy and it potentials still remain untapped due to the demands for foods are increasing drastically every year.

Due to climatic change many have predicted that there will shortage of food in 2023, but this can also bring great opportunities for investment.

In this post, we shared a list of seven lucrative agricultural business ideas that anyone in Nigeria can start in 2023.


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Agribusiness Tips

Agribusinesses Failure: Six Main Reasons For Many Failures in Agricultural Businesses

Agribusinesses Failure

Agriculture is fast becoming the world most important industry, this is because of the growing need to feed a vast population of people spread across the globe. But there have been many agribusinesses failure in the industry why some have also recorded numerous successes.

In this article, we will share six reasons for many agribusinesses failure at the startup stage. This will help to guard you from making the same mistakes.


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