Agribusiness Tips

Agribusiness Tips

Snail Farming: A Great Agribusiness Opportunity in Nigeria

snail farming

Snail farming is one of the most lucrative agribusinesses in Nigeria, experts in the snail industry have argued that its is worth $12,000,000,000 with 450,000 tons consumed annually. Snail farming is a fantastic agricultural venture to take into consideration because it takes little physical labor, requires little capital, and offers significant returns on investments. Snails do not get sick quickly, unlike other animals, and can survive on domestic garbage, therefore snail farming does not require a large area of land, expensive housing, enclosures, or equipment. Achatina Achatina (Giant Tiger Snail), Achatina Fulica (East African Land Snail), and Archachatina Marginata are the three species of snails that the majority of farmers raise (giant West African snail).

Nigerian snail growers, however, favor the large African snail (Achatina Achatina). One of the largest snails in the world, the Giant African snail can produce up to 1,200 eggs per year.
This industry, also known as heliciculture, is rapidly growing in popularity in Nigeria as consumer demand rises as a result of the health advantages of snail meat and other raw materials that may be produced from snail farming, like slime, among others.


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