Funding Opportunities

Call for Applications: Gender Equality Partnerships 2024–25 (Up to £25,000 in Grants)

    Gender Equality Partnerships
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    The Going Global Partnerships Gender Equality Partnerships supports higher and further education collaborations between the UK and other countries to address priority gender equality themes.

    Gender Equality Partnerships Thematic Areas

    Gender Equality Partnerships aims to build partnerships and drive systemic change in four key areas.

    • The prevention of violence against women and girls with a particular focus on higher and further education institutions as safe spaces for women
    • Addressing women’s underrepresentation in higher and further education leadership
    • Enabling access and tackling subject segregation, particularly in the area of STEM (including encouraging STEM-related learning).
    • Strengthening pathways into employment for women graduates from further and higher education.

    Gender Equality Partnerships Objectives and Outcomes

    All Gender Equality Partnerships awards will have the following overarching objectives:

    • stimulate innovative approaches to addressing gender inequality in higher and further education institutions in the UK and the partner countries.
    • contribute to long-term and sustainable institutional change that promotes gender equality, and opportunities for women and girls and addresses gender-related biases.
    • support initiatives that promote gender equality, particularly in one or more of the four priority themes that the British Council has identified as globally relevant.
    • encourage collaboration between disciplines and between countries that will build cultural relations and mutual understanding based on shared values.

    The Going Global Partnerships programme is looking for joint projects designed to achieve some of the following gender strategic outcomes:

    • Increased active participation of women in political, social and economic spheres (women empowerment).
    • An improved legal and policy environment supporting gender equality.
    • Improved employability outcomes for women.
    • Developed inclusive policies and practices that support gender equality and safer learning environments at Higher and further education institutions.
    • Increased participation of women in meaningful academic and research careers.
    • Increased quality, inclusiveness and relevance of learning and female student experience.
    • Upskilled female students with relevant skills, including employability or entrepreneurship, community outcomes, or soft skills.

    Gender Equality Partnerships Funding Information

    • The Gender Equality Partnerships expects to support 11 projects of between £20,000 and £25,000 in value each, for 12 months, starting from January 2025.

    Eligibility Criteria

    • Awards will support partnerships between eligible UK institutions and partner institutions in one or more participating countries, Bangladesh, Brazil, Egypt, Ghana, Jordan, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Ukraine and Vietnam. Proposals should be designed by the Lead Applicant in the overseas partner country, with the support of the UK partner organisation.
    • Each proposal must have both:
      • one Lead institution from Bangladesh, Brazil, Egypt, Ghana, Jordan, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Ukraine and/or Vietnam; and
      • one Lead institution from the UK
      • The proposal must be prepared jointly by leads from both institutions but submitted by the Lead from the UK Institution,
    • UK Lead institution partnering with Bangladesh, Brazil, Egypt, Ghana, Jordan, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa and Vietnam must be one of the following:
      • Higher Education provider with degree awarding powers.
      • England
      • Northern Ireland
      • Wales
      • Not-for-profit research institutions, establishment and organisations.
      • Any public or private organisations with a role in the Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET)/Further Education (FE) system.
    • The partnership can include in their proposals Associated Partners (from both partner countries; Bangladesh, Egypt, Ghana, Jordan, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Ukraine and Vietnan, and the UK) affiliated with:
      • Higher Education providers
      • Not-for-profit research institutions, establishment and organisations
      • TVET/FE providers
      • Other education organisations/charities/foundations/membership bodies
      • Not-for-profit organisations, including Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)
      • For-profit/commercial organisations, including small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
      • Branch and satellite campuses of UK Higher Education providers
      • Government organisations
      • Employer organisations and industry bodies
      • Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Social Enterprise organisations

    How to Apply

    Click Here to Apply and for more information

    Application Deadline: 16 September 2024

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    Tags : Gender Equality PartnershipsInternational funding
      Johnpaul Mbanefo

      The author Johnpaul Mbanefo

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      Mr. Johnpaul Mbanefo is a dynamic professional specializing in project management, business analysis, business plan and proposal writing, agribusiness consulting, grant writing, and pitch deck expertise, driving success through strategic planning and effective communication.

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