Funding Opportunities

Call for Proposals: Play for Nature Grant Program (Up to €15,000 in grants)

    Play for Nature Grant Program
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    Play for Nature is launching its annual call for proposals aimed at all biodiversity conservation associations seeking financial support for their projects.

    Call for proposals aimed at biodiversity conservation associations around the world to support practical actions to protect ecosystems and endangered species, particularly through sport.

    Play for Nature Categories

    Projects submitted must fall into one of two categories:

    • Biodiv’Monde: a biodiversity conservation project aimed at protecting an ecosystem or endangered species through concrete actions such as scientific monitoring, ecosystem restoration, environmental education, etc.
    • Biodiv’Sport: a biodiversity conservation project designed to protect an ecosystem or endangered species through the practice of sport, the organisation of a sporting event and raising awareness among local people.

    Funding Information

    Two levels of financial support are available: grants of €5,000 and grants of €15,000

    • Biodiv’Sport: 2 grants of €15,000 and 14 grants of €5,000.
    • Biodiv’Monde: 2 grants of €15,000 and 5 grants of €5,000.

    Technical support will be provided to project sponsors throughout the project, in particular to help them organise an awareness-raising sports event.

    Eligible Projects for Play for Nature

    They fund two types of projects:

    • Biodiversity conservation projects such as fauna and flora monitoring, scientific studies, reintroductions of individuals with a share of awareness through information meetings, campaigns and education programs in schools.
    • Biodiversity conservation projects using sport and the organization of sporting events as a tool to raise awareness of populations and vector of key messages for biodiversity conservation.
    • In all cases, the projects proposed must have a clear biodiversity conservation focus, with specific ecosystems or endangered species to be protected. They must also involve local people in some way in the actions implemented by the project, whether through education programmes, awareness-raising or active participation by local people in the association’s activities.
    • Projects in the Biodiv’Sport category must integrate sport into an overall biodiversity conservation project, in particular through educational and awareness-raising initiatives aimed at local citizens and authorities. This may include the following categories :
      • The organisation of existing or new sporting events by the organisation behind the project.
      • Partnership with an existing sporting event organised by a sports club or association in support of the organisation’s conservation project.
      • Project leaders may present annual or multi-annual events. In the case of multi-annual events, this will be counted as a single project.
    • All projects must be designed with a view to raising as many people as possible’s awareness of the need to protect an endangered species, an ecosystem, the sustainable use of natural resources, etc. Raising awareness can therefore involve not only the participants in a sporting event, but also schoolchildren, citizens and local authorities indirectly affected in the project area, as well as participants in concrete actions such as reforestation.

    Eligibility Criteria for Play for Nature

    • The call for proposals is open to every NGO, even those that have already received a grant from Play for Nature in the past.
    • Projects will be selected by an independent evaluation committee, so whether or not you have already applied, you should fill in the application form from the point of view of someone who has never heard of the project before.


    Play for Nature does not fund:

    • Sports projects that do not have a clear objective of conserving biodiversity and/or raising awareness of biodiversity conservation.
    • The organisation’s structural costs only.
    • Species care or rescue centres if there is no objective of reintroduction.

    How to Apply

    Click Here to apply

    Application Deadline: 25th August, 2024

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    Tags : International fundingPlay for Nature
      Johnpaul Mbanefo

      The author Johnpaul Mbanefo

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      Mr. Johnpaul Mbanefo is a dynamic professional specializing in project management, business analysis, business plan and proposal writing, agribusiness consulting, grant writing, and pitch deck expertise, driving success through strategic planning and effective communication.

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