Funding Opportunities

D-Prize Global Competition II 2024 for Social Entrepreneurs (Up To $20,000 Grants)

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    The second D-Prize Global Competition of 2024 is now open and seeking bold social entrepreneurs! They seed new organizations distributing proven poverty solutions, all aiming to scale.

    D-Prize challenges emerging leaders to tackle extreme poverty by awarding up to $20,000 to winning teams to launch ventures that can distribute proven poverty solutions to thousands, or even millions, of people.

    D-Prize believe the world needs more social impact organizations, and we seed for-profit ventures, NGOs, and charities. We support organizations in any low-or-middle income country where extreme poverty still exists.

    They believe social impact organizations are uniquely positioned to distribute an existing product or service known to improve lives where need still exists. View the D-Prize Challenges below and select one of the high-impact products or services in need of greater global access.

    D-Prize Challenges


    • Self-Injectable Contraceptive Challenge: Can you distribute a self-injectable contraceptive, Sayana® Press, to underserved women through a private health network? Download the Self-Injectable Contraceptive Challenge
    • Oxygen Challenge: Can you develop a team of technicians to service and repair existing oxygen concentrators to improve access to medical oxygen? Download the Oxygen Challenge
    • Patient Identification Challenge: Can you develop a way to identify patients needing treatment for either obstetric fistula, cervical cancer, club foot, or cataracts, then connect them with existing treatment services in your area? Download the Patient Identification Challenge
    • Maternal Health Challenge: Can you train birth attendants to administer misoprostol to prevent maternal deaths from postpartum hemorrhaging? Download the Maternal Health Challenge
    • Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Challenge: Can you identify candidates for Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) and connect those that opt in to existing health facilities to reduce the risk of HIV acquisition? Download the VMMC Challenge
    • Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission Challenge: Can you counsel and motivate HIV-positive pregnant women to adhere to their ART regimen, and thus prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission? Download the PMTCT Challenge
    • Child Immunization Challenge: Can you direct caregivers to bring their infants to health facilities for routine immunizations that would otherwise not occur? Download the Immunizations Challenge
    • Sugar Daddy Awareness Challenge: Can you teach “sugar daddy awareness” to 8th grade classes to reduce unwanted teen pregnancies and HIV infections? Download the Sugar Daddy Awareness Challenge



    • Quality Inputs Challenge: Can you provide smallholder farmers high-quality inputs and training proven to increase their harvests? Download the Quality Inputs Challenge
    • Post-Harvest Support Challenge: Can you provide smallholder farmers post-harvest loans and storage technology proven to increase their incomes? Download the Post-Harvest Support Challenge
    • Propose Your Own Agriculture Challenge: D-Prize is specifically interested in distributing proven agriculture interventions to smallholder farmers. If you know of a highly-effective intervention that is backed by credible evidence, we want to hear what it is and see your plan to increase its distribution. Download the Custom Agriculture Challenge
    • Propose Your Own Livestock Challenge: D-Prize is interested in distributing proven livestock interventions to smallholder farmers. If you know of a highly-effective intervention backed by credible evidence, we want to hear what it is and see your plan to increase its distribution. Download the Custom Livestock Challenge


    • Reading Glasses Challenge: Can you distribute non-prescription reading/ working glasses to those in need? Download the Reading Glasses Challenge
    • Poverty Graduation Challenge: Can you provide business coaching, capital, and social support to lift people out of ultra poverty? Download the Poverty Graduation Challenge
    • Propose Your Own Financial Inclusion Challenge: D-Prize is specifically interested in distributing proven financial inclusion interventions to those in need. If you know of a highly-effective intervention backed by credible evidence, we want to hear what it is and see your plan to increase its distribution. Download the Custom Financial Inclusion Challenge


    Public Services


    • Teaching at the Right Level Challenge: In many resource-limited countries, over 50% of Grade 2 students are unable to read a single word of a short text or perform two-digit subtraction. Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) is an education program that tailors instruction to the learning level of the child, rather than their age. The result is that basic literacy and numeracy are achieved by students before they finish primary school. Can you implement an effective TaRL program to teach students in a resource-limited classroom? Download the Teaching at the Right Level Challenge


    • Propose your own challenge: D-Prize is specifically interested in distributing proven poverty interventions to those in need. If you know of a highly-effective intervention that is backed by credible evidence, we want to hear what it is and see your plan to increase its distribution. Download the Custom Challenge

    D-Prize Benefits

    • All winners will be awarded up to $20,000. The award is offered in the form of a convertible grant.

    ELIGIBILITY for D-Prize

    • D-Prize is for new organizations. Most of our awardees are first-time entrepreneurs. Most have not yet launched their organization, nor have they raised other funding. We especially encourage those from low-and-middle income countries to apply.
    • D-Prize challenges are open to anyone or any team. The sole restriction is that individuals and their immediate family on the judging panel may not participate as contestants.
    • D-Prize is also open to any business model (for-profit, non-profit, and everything in between).
    • You are not competing against other applicants. We typically fund at least 15 proposals per competition, regardless of which challenge track was selected.
    • We will consider applications from existing organizations only if your core focus is distributing an existing and evidence-based poverty intervention. We typically will not support organizations with more than 18 months of full time operations or that have raised more than $30,000 USD in outside funding.


    Select a challenge above and be prepared for the following deadlines:

    • The Global Competition launches on 2 September 2024
    • Early Submission Deadline: 13 October 2024 at midnight PT (Pacific Time)
    • Regular Submission Deadline: 3 November 2024 at midnight PT (Pacific Time)
    • Extension Deadline: 24 November 2024 at midnight PT (Pacific Time) Make sure you Register for an extension.

    D-Prize Evaluation process

    • Round 1: Submit your two-page concept note and resume(s). We receive 2500+ submissions per competition.
    • Round 2: Top 5% of entrepreneurs are invited to answer short written questions. You will have two weeks to draft and submit.
    • Final round: Top entrepreneurs have phone and email interviews. The top 1% receive up to $20,000 to launch.
    • Award & Launch: Spend the next few months piloting your idea and building an organization that soon grows to a large scale.

    How To Apply

    Click Here for to Apply for More detail

    Click Here to download Application Package

    Application Deadline: 24 November 2024

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    Tags : D-Prize Global Competition
      Johnpaul Mbanefo

      The author Johnpaul Mbanefo

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      Mr. Johnpaul Mbanefo is a dynamic professional specializing in project management, business analysis, business plan and proposal writing, agribusiness consulting, grant writing, and pitch deck expertise, driving success through strategic planning and effective communication.

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