Funding Opportunities

Leventis Foundation Training Programme in Modern and Sustainable Agriculture 2024

    Leventis Foundation
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    The Leventis Foundation (Nigeria) is a charitable company dedicated to the training of youth and farmers in modern and sustainable agricultural practices and rational use of natural resources.

    The Foundation has been running agricultural training for youths and farmers since 1987 and currently has established six agricultural training schools in different agro-ecological zones of Nigeria.

    The schools located in the FCT, Osun, Kano and Gombe states are co-funded by Leventis Foundation and the respective State Governments. All the schools offer training to young people (male and female) desirous of making a good career in farming and agribusiness.

    The comprehensive one-year training exposes the participants to several areas of agriculture, agricultural value chains and other farm businesses.

    The objective of the training, which is FREE OF ALL COSTS to the beneficiary, is to create in Nigeria, generations of committed young practical farmers who will act as a catalyst for an agricultural revolution in their communities, while advancing the food system.

    Admission is open to both male and female candidates. Tuition and boarding (including feeding) are provided free of charge for successful candidates throughout the duration of the course.

    Leventis Foundation Training Benefits

    The beneficiaries of the one-year training program will have the opportunity to benefit from a variety of training courses, such as Processing and packaging, poultry production, vegetable cultivation, beekeeping, honey production, fish farming, mushroom cultivation, value chain development, feed formulation, greenhouse farming, hydroponics, urban farming, climate-smart agriculture, etc.

    In addition to the one-year training, Leventis Foundation (Nigeria) offers a variety of consultancy services and targeted short courses in several aspects of agriculture e.g. processing and packaging, Poultry production, vegetable production, bee-keeping, honey production, fish farming, mushroom production, value chain development, feed formulation, greenhouse farming and hydroponics, urban farming and climate-smart agriculture e.t.c.

    Leventis Foundation Training Admission Requirements

    Applicants should fulfill the following conditions among others:

    a.) Be physically fit.

    b.) Ability to read and write in English (evidence of a minimum secondary leaving school certificate may be required).

    c.) Aged between 18 and 40 years old.

    d.) Pass both written and oral tests prior to final selection.

    e.) Should demonstrate a perceivable interest in agriculture.

    f.) Proof of a farming background is an advantage.

    Method of Application

    • Application in the applicant’s own handwriting including concrete information in respect of each of the above requirements together with
    • A letter signed by the chairman or secretary of the candidate’s Local Government of origin, or an attestation letter from a Justice of Peace (JP).
    • Two (2) recent passport size photographs
    • Three (3) references and photocopies of academic qualifications(s)
    • All relevant documents should be forwarded to any of the addresses below, preferably, to the school of choice;
    1. Leventis Foundation/Osun State

    Agricultural Training School

    Imo, P.M.B. 5074, Ilesa

    Osun State

    1. Leventis Foundation/Kano State

    Agricultural Training School

    Panda, Albasu Local Government

    P.M.B. 3555, Kano

    Kano State

    1. Leventis Foundation/Gombe State

    Agricultural Training School

    Tumu, Akko Local Government

    Gombe State

    1. Leventis Foundation/FCT

    Agricultural Training School

    Yaba, Abaji Area Council

    P.M.B. 001, Abaji,


    1. The General Manager (Technical and Training)

    Leventis Foundation (Nigeria) Ltd/Gte

    No 2, Leventis Close, Central Business District,

    P.O.Box 20351, Garki Abuja, FCT.

    Online Submission

    You can also submit your application online @ [email protected]

    Application Deadline: Friday, 15th December, 2023

    Screening/Examination comes up on Saturday, 16th December, 2023

    For further inquiries, please contact:

    Mrs. Janet Egbe-Owoicho, Leventis Foundation (Nigeria) Ltd/Gte

    For more information, visit the official website:

    Email: [email protected], Telephone: 0708 552 4233

    Facebook: Leventis Foundation Nigeria; Twitter; @LeventisAgriSch

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    Tags : Leventis Foundation (Nigeria)
      Johnpaul Mbanefo

      The author Johnpaul Mbanefo

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      Mr. Johnpaul Mbanefo is a dynamic professional specializing in project management, business analysis, business plan and proposal writing, agribusiness consulting, grant writing, and pitch deck expertise, driving success through strategic planning and effective communication.

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      1 Comment

      1. I’m very excited to be in this program reason my father is Agriculture extension teacher he raised me in difference areas of agriculture especially in area of practical.i can farm yam I can farm beans /soyabeans/,gran nut tomato 🍅/,, pepper/ etc my father is in extension he was a teacher in (A TC) Agriculture training center mbatie buruku local government benue state.

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