Funding Opportunities

Pure Ocean Call For Projects 2025 (up to €40,000 Funding)

    Pure Ocean Call For Projects
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    Pure Ocean Call For Projects 2025 is currently open. Pure Ocean is an endowment fund created in 2017 in Marseille, France. Its main mission is to support innovative applied research projects worldwide, contributing to the protection of fragile marine ecosystems and biodiversity.

    In addition to funding research projects, Pure Ocean organizes conferences and promotes races and sporting challenges to raise awareness of the Ocean’s critical situation.

    Pure Ocean 4 priority themes: the “Pure Ocean Challenges”

    (based on the United Nations’ 10 Ocean Decade Challenges)

    • Understanding marine pollution and combating its origins
    • Protecting biodiversity and restoring degraded marine ecosystems
    • Strengthening the resilience of marine ecosystems and the people who depend on them in the face of climate change
    • Improving our knowledge of the ocean-system

    Special features of the Pure Ocean Call For Projects 2025

    This year, a special attention will be given to projects:

    • Developing marine conservation initiatives managed by local communities and indigenous peoples
    • Exploring nature-based solutions for the preservation of blue carbon ecosystems
    • Operating in key oceanic areas : the French littoral, Middle East/Asia and Africa coasts

    Pure Ocean Call For Projects Amount granted

    • Selected projects will receive up to €40,000/year (average €25,000/year), for a duration of one to two years, at the discretion of our

    Scientific Committee.

    • A two-year project can therefore receive a maximum of €80,000 and support for certain projects can be renewed.

    Eligibility for Pure Ocean Call For Projects

    • The project must address one or more Pure Ocean Challenges.
    • We seek out and support projects in all regions of the world.
    • There is no age limit, but candidates in the early stages of their career are particularly encouraged to apply.
    • Only non-profit organizations (NGOs, universities, research institutes) can apply and receive funding.The project can however include a collaboration with organizations from the private sector (companies, startups, etc.).
    • Applicants must clearly outline their co-financing opportunities in their budget, as well as a minimum operating budget in the event that Pure Ocean is unable to grant the full amount requested.

    Exclusion criteria

    • Pure Ocean only support scientific projects addressing a clearly-defined research question.
    • The funding may not be devoted solely to awareness-raising, clean-up initiatives, events, art, advocacy or training projects.
    • For-profit (such as startup development), promotional, or advertising projects are outside the scope of this Call.
    • Application found incomplete, or written in another langauge (other than English) at platform closure will be disqualified.

    How To Apply

    Click Here to apply

    Application Deadline: October 1st, 2024

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    Tags : Pure Ocean Call For Projects 2025
      Johnpaul Mbanefo

      The author Johnpaul Mbanefo

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      Mr. Johnpaul Mbanefo is a dynamic professional specializing in project management, business analysis, business plan and proposal writing, agribusiness consulting, grant writing, and pitch deck expertise, driving success through strategic planning and effective communication.

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