Robert Carr Fund
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The Robert Carr Fund for civil society networks is pleased to announce an open Request for Proposals (RFP) 2024 for the funding period 2025-2027. Through this RFP, the Robert Carr Fund invites global and regional civil society networks and consortia of networks led by, and/or serving inadequately served populations to apply for a grant to support their core funding and activity needs for a three-year period (2025-2027).

RCF aims to further the objectives of the Fund’s Strategic Plan 2025-2030 and recognizes that programming to strengthen social enablers, human rights and gender equality, as well as responses led by communities of ISPs, are complex, and require longer-term investments. Therefore, the Fund intends, in this funding cycle, to support continuity, so that well-performing existing partners can build on their achievements. At the same time, the Fund wishes to encourage applications from new, emerging networks, especially those which represent populations and regions which are current under-served in the fund portfolio.

Robert Carr Fund Priorities

The Robert Carr Fund welcomes applications which focus on the following priorities:

  1. Aligned with the Robert Carr Fund Theory of Change and strategy

The Robert Carr Fund will prioritize applications by global and/or regional networks and consortia of networks that are aligned with the Fund’s Theory of Change5 and Strategy. The RCF strategy has the following Result Areas:

  • Result Area 1: Network strength and influence:
    • Networks have improved basic organizational status.
    • Networks show increased fiscal capacity and sustainability.
    • Networks are more representative of their constituencies and more democratically governed.
    • Networks show increased influence and capacity to unite and mobilize movements.
  • Result Area 2: Human rights:
    • Networks contribute to an improved human rights environment for at least one ISP.
  • Result Area 3: Access to services:
    • Networks contribute to increased access to services and programs.
    • Networks contribute to increased quality of services and programs.
  • Result Area 4: Resource accountability:
    • Networks contribute to increased and sustainable financing of HIV response including ISP programs.
  1. Addressing underfunded populations and/or regions

The Robert Carr Fund is open to any applicants that meet the eligibility criteria. However, the Fund particularly welcomes applications which seek to address ISP groups and/or regions which are underfunded in their portfolio, and where Inadequately Served Populations, across age and gender groups, face stigma and discrimination in health and social services, which has an impact on all aspects of their health and well-being.

These are:

  • People in prison, migrants, trans and gender diverse, intersex or youth who are ISPs
  • Networks and/or consortia from the Middle East and North Africa, West Africa or Central Africa

While seeking to address the above, the Fund will also consider additional factors in its efforts to achieve a balanced funding portfolio. These include the burden of HIV amongst different inadequately served populations and across different regions, the level of investment and funding gaps across different inadequately served populations and regions, as well as the relative population sizes in different regions.

Funding Information

Applicants may submit proposals for three years of funding (2025-2027). For the first year (2025), a work plan, budget and cash flow statement is required.

  • Regional networks which have been in existence for more than two years can apply for a three year grant at an annual minimum of $100,000 and an annual maximum of $350,000.
  • Global networks which have been in existence for more than two years can apply for a three year grant at an annual minimum of $100,000 and an annual maximum of $700,000.
  • A consortium of networks can apply for a three year grant at an annual minimum of $100,000 and an annual maximum of $1,000,000 per year.
  • Emerging regional and/or global networks which have been in existence for less than two years can apply for a three year grant at an annual minimum of $50,000 and an annual maximum of $150,000.

Eligibility Criteria for Robert Carr Fund 

To be eligible for the 2025-2027 grant, applicants must:

  • Address the health, social inclusion and wellbeing of inadequately served populations (ISPs);
  • Be a civil society network and/or a consortium of civil society networks;
  • Operate regionally and/or globally;
  • Be from the civil society sector; and
  • Be led by ISPs.

Note: Networks/consortia which are not led by ISPs are also eligible. RCF recognizes that in some contexts some ISP groups experience greater challenges to ISP leadership e.g. prisoners, migrants and children. However, where ISP leadership exists, these networks will be prioritized. Furthermore, non-ISP led networks are also eligible but must demonstrate meaningful engagement of ISPs in the work of the organization.

For more information on eligibility criteria please refer to RFP 2024 Guidelines.

How To Apply

  • Click on Aidsfonds grant platform
  • Ensure you access the correct application form: Chapter: Robert Carr Fund, Category: RCF 2024 Request for Proposals
  • Note: (Aidsfonds are the Fund Management Agency for the Robert Carr Fund.)
  • When an application is submitted, you will receive an automated e-mail response confirming receipt of your application. If you did not receive this e-mail, please check your junk mail or check in the Aidsfonds grant online platform that submission was successful. If not, please resubmit. If you continue to face technical problems, please contact [email protected]
  • For more details visit: Robert Carr Fund

The deadline for applications is 22 July 2024 at 12:00 (noon) CET

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Tags : International fundingRobert Carr Fund
    Johnpaul Mbanefo

    The author Johnpaul Mbanefo

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    Mr. Johnpaul Mbanefo is a dynamic professional specializing in project management, business analysis, business plan and proposal writing, agribusiness consulting, grant writing, and pitch deck expertise, driving success through strategic planning and effective communication.

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