Global Cleantech Innovation Programme
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Applications are open for Global Cleantech Innovation Programme. GCIP is a programme led by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in partnership with the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Green Climate Fund (GCF). GCIP promotes cleantech innovation and entrepreneurship in emerging market and developing economies to address climate challenges and foster sustainable development.

In Nigeria, GCIP is implemented in collaboration with the Co-Creation Hub (CcHUB) and the Government of Nigeria, represented by the Federal Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (FMSTI) and the Rural Electrification Agency (REA). Cleantech enterprises can lead the transition toward sustainable low-carbon economies while creating new jobs and empowering women and youth. Despite having limitless potential for innovation, cleantech small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often find it difficult to bring their cleantech solutions to market because they face serious commercialization and scale-up barriers, encountering the technical and financial “valley of death”.

GCIP bridges this “valley of death” by providing competition-based business acceleration services for innovative cleantech start-ups and SMEs, linking enterprises to private sector investors and fostering enabling innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems. Joining the GCIP accelerator programme gives you the opportunity to be part of an emerging cleantech community in Nigeria that includes key players such as the government, business institutions and investors, innovation experts and tech enthusiasts.

Global Cleantech Innovation Programme Benefits

  • GCIP offers comprehensive support to micro, small and medium sized enterprises, as these MSMEs are the backbone of emerging and developing economies, to help them bring their solutions to market.
  • GCIP directly supports cleantech innovators through business acceleration training, mentorship, networking and financing facilitation.
  • GCIP also helps partner countries strengthen their national innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems.
  • GCIP builds capacities of national institutions and contributes to the formulation of inclusive national policy frameworks as well as creates partnerships between stakeholders in the public, private and academic sectors.

Global Cleantech Innovation Programme Eligibility Criteria

  • The project focuses on cleantech start-ups and SMEs working on exciting and disruptive solutions in the following key areas: Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Waste Beneficiation, Green Buildings, Transportation, Advanced Materials and Chemicals. Cleantech start-ups and SMEs whose solutions support the efforts to improve energy access in underserved communities are strongly encouraged to apply.
  • GCIP also provides support to national government institutions in the partner countries, R&D organizations, industry associations and other stakeholders involved in the development of cleantech innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems.
  • Other Countries Eligible are: Nigeria, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Lesotho, Mongolia, Morocco, Namibia, Pakistan, Republic of Moldova, Senegal, South Africa, Türkiye, Ukraine, Uruguay and Viet Nam.

How to Apply

Click Here to apply

For more details visit: UNIDO

Application Deadline: 14th July, 2024.

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3MTT Innovation Challenge

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Tags : Co-Creation HubFunding for Tech startupsGlobal Cleantech Innovation ProgrammeInternational fundingUNIDO
    Johnpaul Mbanefo

    The author Johnpaul Mbanefo

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    Mr. Johnpaul Mbanefo is a dynamic professional specializing in project management, business analysis, business plan and proposal writing, agribusiness consulting, grant writing, and pitch deck expertise, driving success through strategic planning and effective communication.

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