Funding Opportunities

Water Research Foundation Request For Proposals: Implementing a Smart Sewer System (Up To $200,000 Funding)

    Water Research Foundation
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    The Water Research Foundation is now accepting applications for implementing a smart sewer system to optimize capacity to reduce surface flooding and sewer overflows.

    The research team will conduct one webcast hosted by WRF and collaborating organizations on the overall findings of this project. The research team is also encouraged to submit one open access peer-reviewed journal paper after the project’s completion. In addition, the research team will conduct additional outreach activities, such as presenting project findings at national and regional conferences.

    Water Research Foundation RFP Objectives

    Establish a methodology to assess and optimize the use of existing storage and conveyance elements within the system.

    Provide a utility-facing guidance on:

    • Best practices for identifying problem areas in the system.
    • Recommendations on the location and type of sensors required, data communication strategies, and physical infrastructure/assets based on drainage area.
    • Recommendations on the type of data and information collected (e.g., depth, velocity, rain gauge, weather radar).
    • Identifying the areas where the flow can be diverted to in a gravity-fed system and where to avoid.
    • Controlling Infiltration and Inflow (I/I) into systems through alternative storm water management practices and discharges/contributions to sanitary sewer.
    • Determining the minimum requirements when selecting a Real-Time Control (RTC) logic and SCADA integration for storm water and wastewater management.

    Budget and Funding Information

    • The maximum funding available from WRF for this project is $200,000. The applicant must contribute additional resources equivalent to at least 33% of the project award. For example, if an applicant requests $100,000 from WRF, an additional $33,000 or more must be contributed by the applicant. Acceptable forms of applicant contribution include cost share, applicant in kind, or third-party in-kind that comply with 2 CFR Part 200.306 cost sharing or matching. The applicant may elect to contribute more than 33% to the project, but the maximum WRF funding available remains fixed at $200,000. Proposals that do not meet the minimum 33% of the project award will not be accepted.
    • The anticipated period of performance for this project is 24 months from the contract start date.

    Water Research Foundation RFP Expected Deliverables

    • A stand-alone literature review on smart sewer systems and related practices, including annotations for the list of publications and resources used.
    • User-friendly utility-facing searchable, electronic guidance along with a supporting document that includes recommendations for sensing management platforms and pilot testing, with recommendations for pre-requisites to a pilot test and/or smart-sewer program, based on a summary of case studies.
      • The guidance document will include a separate chapter on emerging smart sewer technologies and AI/ML related applications, with cross reference to WRF publications.
      • The guidance document will include a separate chapter and supporting technical appendix that summarizes knowledge gaps, research needs, and preliminary research concepts for recommended future projects.
    • A utility-focused invitation-only virtual workshop (with two sessions offered at different times) for peer-to-peer information exchange and identification of future research needs, along with workshop planning and all supporting materials (e.g., agenda, presentations, meeting notes, and workshop summary).
    • Broader outreach:
      • Webcast and public outreach materials.
      • Conference presentations including at a WEF-sponsored conference.
      • Submitting one open access peer-reviewed journal paper is encouraged and can be completed beyond project end date.

    Eligibility Criteria for Water Research Foundation RFP

    • Proposals will be accepted from both U.S.-based and non-U.S.-based entities, including educational institutions, research organizations, governmental agencies, and consultants or other for-profit entities.
    • WRF’s Board of Directors has established a Timeliness Policy that addresses researcher adherence to the project schedule. Researchers who are late on any ongoing WRF-sponsored studies without approved no-cost extensions are not eligible to be named participants in any proposals.

    How To Apply

    Click Here to submit your proposal

    Click Here for more details

    Application Deadline: November 14, 2024

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    Tags : Water Research Foundation RFP
      Johnpaul Mbanefo

      The author Johnpaul Mbanefo

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      Mr. Johnpaul Mbanefo is a dynamic professional specializing in project management, business analysis, business plan and proposal writing, agribusiness consulting, grant writing, and pitch deck expertise, driving success through strategic planning and effective communication.

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